
What are multiferroics?

Multiferroics exhibit more than one primary ferroic property at the same time: ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity. Most materials of interest are magnetoelectric. Prime examples are Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) and Bismuth Iron Oxide (BiFeO3).

What are multiferroics used for?

Logic devices made from multiferroics promise to be 10 to 100 times more energy efficient than the current CMOS technology will ever be. The magnetoelectric spin-orbit devices avoid what is known as Boltzmann's tyranny for the subthreshold slope and can also be made smaller (Manipatruni et al, Nature 565, 35-42, 2019).

Other applications are low-power reconfigurable antiferromagnetic spintronic devices.

Scanning NV of multiferroics

The small size and low field of spin cycloids in multiferroic BiFeO makes the material a test bed for the performance of an NV microscope. Quantitative NV magnetometry helps to understand the influence of the different physical parameters that create these cycloids.


Quantitative Nanoscale Magnetic ImagingQuantitative Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging

Quantitative Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging

Nanoscale small features can be resolved and imaged quantitatively thanks to the high spatial resolution and sensitivity of QZabre's Quantum Scanning Tips. 




BiFeO is rich room-temperature multiferroic material. Eletric field control of spin cycloids make them attractive for reconfigurable antiferromagnetic spintronics.


Topological Defects in BiFeOTopological Defects in BiFeO

Topological Defects in BiFeO

Topological defects in multiferroics are elusive as they both require high spatial resolution and magnetic sensitivity to be detected. Quickscan allows to cover large sample areas in just a few minutes making topological defects easy to locate. 


Quantitative Nanoscale Magnetic ImagingQuantitative Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging

Quantitative Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging

Nanoscale small features can be resolved and imaged quantitatively thanks to the high spatial resolution and sensitivity of QZabre's Quantum Scanning Tips. 




BiFeO is rich room-temperature multiferroic material. Eletric field control of spin cycloids make them attractive for reconfigurable antiferromagnetic spintronics.